Sunday, February 2, 2025

Book Of The Month

 1- The path of peace, Antony Seldon.
In 1915, an English second lieutenant, Douglas Gillespie , dreamed of having a "via sacra". It's not a main street leading from the top of the Capitoline hill to the colosseum, but a 1000km route from the Swiss borders to the English Channel. Unfortunately, he was killed soon afterwards
A century later Antony Sheldon discovered the letters from the lieutenant, and decided to walk the 1000 km while mourning the death his wife.

2-Rationality, Steven Pinker.
Humanity has been reaching new heights of scientific discoveries and understandings, but humanity has been losing its mind too.
Pinker is arguing that rationality is a key driver of social and moral, and it may resolve the conflict between scientific evidence and the misinformation.

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